Friday, December 27, 2002

I wish I had brought my camera, my film camera. I was leaving for PA from VA and thought about taking it. The problem was that I left it at work and I was leaving from home. I didn't want to take the extra 20-30 minutes it'd take to go get it. Besides, I had my video camera with me. Well, here I am in PA, wishing I had my good old Pentax K-1000 with me. Why? because it snowed yesterday. It was the first good snow on Christmas day in these parts in a long time. It's a pretty part of the country anyway. There are fields and barns and covered bridges and other photo friendly scenes. Now all that stuff is covered in snow and it's pretty. I drove around taking still pictures using my video camera, but it just can't capture the detail that my film camera can. *sigh*

Sunday, December 22, 2002

I'm a little tired but I'm thinking about going to WalMart... around 1 or 2 am. I haven't really done much Christmas shopping yet. Yeah, it's pretty pathetic. I barely have ideas about what to get for who. It's kind of hard to write clever things and watch TV at the same time. I guess it's clear where my priorities are.

Oh, BTW, The video was a hit at the party and afterwards.

Friday, December 13, 2002

woah, the time on blogger must be messed up. The last published indicator says it's 9:03pm. On the post itself it says it was made at 5:03 am, I made the post at 12:03am. The prefs are set at -5GMT for eastern U.S.

It's too late for this sick boy to be up still. Good night.
oi, today wasn't a bad day but it had its frustrations. Most of them were computer/software related. If I were the cursing kind I fear the paint would have peeled off the walls from the verbal assult. As it was I just declared things idiotic and stupid. My voice sounds a bit different because I have a cold or something. I'm working on something that's due tomorrow by 1pm. I'm not totally happy with how it's coming out but its just a little video for a company Christmas banquet. It'll get done some how.

Thursday, December 05, 2002

Hey what do you know, it snowed.

I spent most of the day inside the house. I got bored and I wanted a soda so I decided to go out around 8 or 8:30pm. It took a while to clean the crust of ice and snow off my car. I live at the bottom of a small hill on a road that hasn't been cleaned off yet. I had to back up and get just a bit of momentum before I could go up the hill. The world outside was fairly active, there were several souls driving around looking for a sense of being somewhere. The Taco Bell was closed along with several of her cohorts. I ended up at a McDonalds Drive-Thru for a Coke and a cheap chicken sandwich. Now I'm back at home typing this in and thinking of how interesting this tale would be if I were a better writer. :)

Also today I slept in, wrestled with an incooperative computer, received and installed a new CD Burner in another computer and fired some bottle rockets across the ice encrusted snow.

One of these days I might just write a rant about some opinion I'm having and you'll say, "hmmm. he has a point there."
