Friday, November 14, 2003

Today was a good day.
It's good to feel productive. I was able to tell help someone solve a problem on the phone before even getting up.

I finished the Final Exit DVD last night and this morning I got it ready to ship to the guy who'll put it on a DLT. Yeah, that doesn't mean much to many of you. It just means I'm done with it and it should be in duplication in a week or two.

I went to work [late] to discover that the router wasn't working. They had tried turning it on and off via the circuit breaker. They checked the fuses. They called tech support. I unplugged the power chords from the back and tried to unplug another cable, but was unsuccessful with that one. When I plugged them back in the router and control panels worked properly. I don't know how anything I did was different from what they did by turning the breaker on and off. Maybe one of the cables I tried to unplug had vibrated loose somehow and I settled it back into place. Erick (my boss) was so relieved that it was working again and he didn't have to send it in for service, he said I could take the day off. I stayed and worked on some graphics for the recruiting video. I may have to leave work early tomorrow because one of my sisters from PA will be coming down.

After work I bought a couple pair of khakis and a couple pair of jeans. They were on sale and I sort of need them. Then I had a little meeting with Tim and Mike. I went home, winterized my room, scarfed down some pizza and went to Bible study. After that I watched the bonus features on the Finding Nemo DVD and then some TV.

so that's a good day for me. Probably none of the events I mentioned make the difference in whether a day is good or bad. It may be the things between the events that make a day good or bad, depending on the events I guess.

I'm tired. I'm babbling. I'm watching TV. I'm thinking you probably didn't read the inventory of my day. If you did, Thanks.

Saturday, November 08, 2003

struck out again
at least I know early this time
the feelings she doesn't have for me
no great build up of emotion
no small collection of pining poems
only 2 pages of things I remembered about her
from last friday and the few talks before

I don't think I trully believed
that she was interested in me
I was hopeful, to be sure
it had to be either a miscommunication
or a fluke of nature
but still, past performance is not
indicative of future results

hope is still cautiously here

On a lighter note I got The Innocence Mission's "Befriended" CD and I really dig it. The music is sparse, melacholy, fragile and beautiful. I can't quite make out what she's singing without the help of the lyric sheet, but I really don't care.

Thursday, November 06, 2003

I've had a good year financially (at least for myself) I'm thinking about buyin a house (they're cheap here) but if I do that I won't have money to pay taxes. Of course, buying a house might take care of the taxes somehow. Of course, buying a house will mean a lot of extra expenses. I'll be so poor. But I'll be a home owner. Chicks dig homeowners. Right? Actually, in some ways, it'd be nice to not have those two major distractions in life cable and internet. I could finally take up origami... nah.

Wednesday, November 05, 2003

Kansas has been on my mind. It's too early to tell, but I want to. I've already said too much. Silence brings drama. Drama brings interest. Interest brings... um... something good... I hope. Newtek started in Kansas. Playing games you're unfamiliar with can be unsettling. Can I hold a poker face? I'll try but it could fail if the right card shows up. If that happens I hope I don't lose it all. The stakes are higher than usual. Losing *can* be your salvation. For fear of blues eyes reading, my fingers will stop.


Monday, November 03, 2003

So kBeth, what now?

Saturday, November 01, 2003

again the pressure builds. things must get done. things must be moved. computers must get fixed. processors must be installed. i'm not sure i want to tackle any of it. but you gotta do what you gotta do.