Friday, October 28, 2005

caved in

Well, I caved in to the cojolling (?) of my neice and got a myspace account ( and why not while I'm at it sign up at like so many of my coworkers. So far I like myspace better... if only for the interface.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

"the White Sox have won the World Series"

wow... I'm not a baseball fan. I've probably only watched less than 30 seconds of Major League Baseball all year (excluding sitting in restaurants that have MLB on tv). Those few seconds were made up mostly of the end of World Series. somehow it seems weird that out of the entire season, I've only seen the last pitch of the last game (excluding any all-star or exhibition games). There's probably a sermon illustration in there some where.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

another post for it's own sake

I get to work a little late tonight. yippee. I had an idea for a costume for my room mate's costume party but I don't know if I'll do it. Probably not. Maybe I'll just go as a noir detective. that might work :D

Friday, October 21, 2005

Mini Apple Rant and aww bombs

When Apple (the computer/consumer gadget company) came out with the G5 computers a few years ago they switched from PCI expansion slots to PCI-X expansion slots. The PCI-X slot is slightly different from the regular PCI slot. Because of that change we couldn't put our $3,500 MPEG-2 encoder card into the then new and much faster computers. Most of the new PCI cards at the time did work in the new PCI-X slots. Still, it would've been nice to have at least one normal PCI slot for the new machines. We still have the encoder card on the old machine because we didn't want to pay to have it replaced.

Apple is at it again. This past Wednesday they announced the new G5 Power Mac computers. This time they dropped PCI-X and AGP and went with PCI Express. Again, it's a new and more advanced technology and again they haven't left any legacy technology. This time, however, none of the hardware cards you already own will plug into the new slots. They aren't compatible with PCI, PCI-X or your AGP graphics slot. One could argue that they're doing that to save money however, they're machines are generally more expensive than comparable competing systems. (Which, by the way, continue to support older standards while incorporating new tech).

So Apple is sending off another big "screw you!" to it's professional customers who've spent thousands of dollars on hardware and would like to upgrade to the fastest new machines.

Argh. I was thinking about switching at some point, but things like this make me glad I haven't.

A memo/announcement on the website of where I work:

LUPD Bomb Recognition Training Oct. 24 & 25
LU Police Department

There will be a school for police officers about bomb recognition on October 24 and 25 held at the Liberty University Police Department.

On Monday late afternoon and Tuesday morning bomb demonstrations will be done.

Monday - vehicles will be used over at the old intramural fields south of the East Campus

Tuesday - one of the trailers at the OLD LUPD office area will be used for booby traps.

Please make sure you stay away from both areas.

Aww... that sounds pretty cool. I'd rather watch than stay away.

Thursday, October 20, 2005



Thursday, October 13, 2005

Wirefly a pain

excerpted from an IM

I just finished filling out rebate forms for my cell phone

what a pain in the .....

I got it from

there were three rebates for it

I looked the info over and two of them needed to be taken care of later in time and that threw me off on the other one so I missed the deadline

and that was a big rebate

so now it's later so I just filled out the remaining two rebate forms (totaling $125)

but their requirements are just bizarre

(end of IM conversation)

The bizarre requirements are:
1) copy of a statement between 150 days after activation and 210 days after activation showing that you've been paying the bill
2) the rebate cannot be postmarked before 180 days after activation or after 210 days after activation.
3) the rebate form is also a legal form saying they can bill you $250 if your service stopped or you you switched to a cheaper rate plan during the first 180 days of service.


I had misguesstimated the days from when I ordered the phone (presuming it was activated within a day or two after then) so I was thinking that 150 days ended around September 28 when it actually ended August 28. I could've missed the 180 days to 210 days window (ends oct 27)

Man, that would've been frustrating... to miss all the rebate deadlines. As it stands now everything is in order. I probably wouldn't be too surprised if this all goes horribly wrong somehow. I think I'll call t-mobile and make sure my service wasn't interrupted at all this year.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

I wish you had broadband

Perhaps then we could Skype or voice chat.

The CIO (I think) of LU mentioned that when he's on the road he'll just phone home over the internet and talk to his wife. It's not like a phone conversation so much as a conversation from another room. The connection is left open and they can talk (or not talk) freely as if they were in the next room or the same room but not looking at each other. Since it's over the net, they don't have to worry about long distance fees or running out of minutes.

It's not as nice as being together but it'd still be neat for the times we aren't.

forgive my redundancies.

insomniac pt 2

well, off to bed again.... 3:10am


I intended to be asleep now. I thought I was ready for slumber over an hour ago. Thoughts of unnecessary engineering roll around in my brain. I don't think I'll build a platform for my tent or a collapsable cot or something to prop up my cheap pup tent from the inside. I don't have time for that and it'd be easier and maybe cheaper to get a small air mattress.

I was able to get my motorcycle running last week. Or was that two weeks ago? The thing just doesn't want to start when it's cold. It's been more finicky since I wrecked it.

Monday, October 03, 2005

My motorcycle wouldn't start this morning. I think I may have run the battery down trying to get it started. Then Matt called asking for a ride to work from the garage. I suppose it's providence that I didn't get to work on my bike today. Parking wasn't the nightmare I was anticipating either.

I got to go for a ride in an airplane today. We're doing a video for the aviation department. Tim didn't want to go up so I volunteered. It was fun, but I don't know if we got usable audio or if the camera will be steady enough. It's hard to hold that kind of camera still in a small airplane and there isn't much room for a tripod.