This is a bit rambling. I'm tired again.
I've been meaning to write something about the war in Iraq. It's been 11 or 12 days since it started. The initial rush made it look like it'd be easier than it has turned out to be. It looks like it could get messy. We Americans are very sure of ourselves. I hope we're not too proud. We've had fiascos in the past. Remember the Bay of Pigs, that attempted rescue of the hostages in Iran, and the whole Vietnam thing? I don't. I wasn't born yet. I do believe we are in this current war for honorable reasons. Protestors are crying "no blood for oil". President Bush and even the troops on the ground talk of liberating the people of Iraq and of protecting the US from terrorism. Sadam and his minions are truly villainous. Even if there were no link between Sadam and the WTC terrorist attack there is sufficient reason to act against him. I must admit that I'm not at ease with the US being the aggressor in a war. This, however, can be seen as an extention of the last Gulf War. Sadam was defeated and has since failed to follow the terms of surrender. He's had twelve years to comply and has failed. This man can't be trusted and is dangerous. I've heard people blame much of the suffering of the Iraqi people on the stiff sanctions imposed by the US and the UK. Maybe the sanctions were too aggressive. On the other hand, If Sadam had complied then the sanctions could've been lifted. It's probably best to give the mad as few resources as possible. Hopefully the war will end soon and with as few casualties as possible. I do pray that Iraq will become a free democracy and a prosperous nation. I hope we only stay as long as we're needed to help the new government get established. I hope the freed people of Iraq will appreciate what we're trying to do. I hope we can be profitable trade partners. I have a feeling that all these wishes will not come true.
If this were an isolated event I might be more negative about our involvement in this war. Since this is dealing with a defeated foe, a brutal and oppressive regime, a possible chem/bio/nuclear threat and a friend/supplier of terrorists, I think this is a good cause.
We're not trying to set up a little America over there. I'm not sure where the Americans-are-imperialists thoughts come from. Maybe I'm forgetting some American history but I don't think we've had imperialistic tendencies for long time. I'm thinking the last imperialistic action we've taken was when we took on Hawaii as a state. We've medled in the business of other sovereign nations.
I'm getting too tired to write... at least coherrently.
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