Saturday, June 28, 2003

Okay, I decided to go to Cornerstone and go to the beach for a day or two. At work we record classes for Liberty University's Distance Learning Program. They scheduled a class for us to tape that week and neglected to tell us. It's possible that I won't get to go to the beach at all because there already are 2 people from my dept. going. We'll see.

I thought about posting a rant about Apple Computers, or at least about the hype surrounding their new G5's and a few technical issues relating to it. I'm sure it's a decent machine and a huge step up from the aging G4 line, but their hype just goes too far. Yeah, I thought about ranting about that, but I've already done that elsewhere. Other people have done so as well. I do hope it's 3/4ths as good as they say it is. I remember the announcement of the PowerPC based MAC that was suppose to revolutionize the world, and who can forget that the G4 is a supercomputer on a chip. Now the dual G5 is the "fastest personal computer" and the "first 64-bit personal computer"... a "personal computer" that costs as much as (if not more than) an AMD opteron workstation/server computer that's 64-bit and actually shipping. Oops. Ranting... I didn't mean to do that. Sorry.

It's a dumb thing to get worked up about. I just don't think it's nearly as revolutionary as they make it seem. Truth: Who needs it?

This is shaping up to be a busy weekend. A friend of mine is getting married in SC. There's a small group of us going down tomorrow. I'd like to avoid spending money on a Hotel room, but if we don't spend the night somewhere, we won't be getting back here until the wee hours of the morning... Bummer. Then Monday I get to drive 15 hours to IL. yay.