Friday, August 15, 2003

I know one of the stated goals of this blog is to not whine too much. Right now though, I'd like to say that I'm pretty annoyed with my misaligned jaw and my pinched nerve. My left arm still bothers me and the joint is aching, but maybe that's because I've been working more the last couple of days. For me work is sitting at a computer, pushing a mouse around with my right hand and pressing keys with my left hand. My name is Dana Burman and I manage pixels for a living.

I don't like bending my left elbow too much, or moving it too fast or straining it in any way. Basically I've been treating the same way I treat it right after giving blood. The nerve (I think) at the elbow is still sensitive. I can cause that little jolt by tapping it fairly lightly with my fingers. My right elbow isn't nearly as sensitive. I wonder if the nerve could be out of place. I'd think the pain would be much worse than it is if it were more serious.

As for my jaw... It'd be nice to be able to bite down and feel my molars touching. It's gotten to the point where it hurts a bit too much to try to force it into place. I'm also limited in how wide I can open my mouth. I have a DRs appt on Tues. Hopefully I'll be able to get back to normal soon.

On another note:
I've been tuning in to's Groove Salad and Secret Agent internet radio stations fairly frequently. Nice stuff to work to. :)

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