7 days.
I have 7 days to change my mind about the music. After that I'm locked in and can't get a refund. If you don't know what I'm talking about, don't worry. I won't remember what I meant a year from now.
7 days from now, the first two days of shooting on the short film will have wrapped. There is much to do to prepare. There are permissions and props to obtain. There is coffee and equipment to prepare.
Within 7 days I hope to have my camcorder back from the Sony repair shop in PA.
Within 7 days I hope to be finished with the large freelance project that's been a part of my life the last few months.
Within 7 days I may do my taxes, but don't hold your breath.
Also within the next 7 days, I'll have bills to pay and prayers say and who knows, maybe a major life change. I'm not expecting a major life change, but it is always possible.
I see a busy week ahead and already I feel like I've forgotten something.