Friday, September 10, 2004

The Liberty student chapter in my life is written but open to me. It's sitting
on the desk and I occasionally glance at it but many things have faded. I don't
hang out with any of the same people. There are a few from our time (excluding
faculty and staff) that I see but few I spend time with. The ones that I do
actively maintain contact with are out of town. There is at least one friend
that disappeared after graduation that I wish I could communicate with.

My childhood is a different story. I don't often think about it. Actually, I
think I've tried to distance myself from it. It wasn't a traumatic time for me,
just the slow uneasiness of not quite fitting in. It was a small Christian
school (less than 300 students from Kindergarten through grade 12) so I knew
most people there. Now I can't remember most of them. It was tied to a Church
that I attended as well so that place made up a large chunk of my world. After
I left the pastor had to step down and the church hit some difficult times.
Some families of people I knew around there split and it seemed like a lot of
things fell apart. Add to that the changes in my life and world view and it
kind of left me without a home. Never since then have I felt like I and
everyone around me believed exactly the same things about most topics. I was
probably naive to feel that way but hey, I was quite sheltered. I've felt like the environment I grew up in prepared me to live in the 1950's and has left me somewhat lost out in the "real world".

Oh well, you didn't ask for my life story so I'll quit here.


This is an email I sent to someone for no great reason. I wrote it on Sept 11, 2004 but I posting it on the 10th to keep the stuff I wrote on the 11th after this. :-D

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