Wednesday, August 31, 2005

last night

well actually this morning...

I woke up at 5:30 this morning. I don't know why. I prayed some (groggily) and did a bit of web surfing. I wandered down the stairs to use the bathroom. On the way back I passed a bewildered looking room mate (T) without saying a word. It was almost like he was seeing a ghost. There was a second look as well but still no conversation. He just asked me if I stayed up till 6 last night. Um... no. well I did go back to sleep and eventually dragged myself out of bed at a slightly later than appropriate time a couple of hours later.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

a friend of mine once said...

knowing someone and understanding someone are two entirely different concepts

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Another day in the life of a graphic designer *cough*
my boss was out today so I emailed him an update.

The DVDs and FCP are finally here. They were delivered on Monday. When we called and asked about it earlier today they said it hadn't come in but we got the tracking numbers from Mike at Apple. We called Central Receiving back and told them it was there and then they found it. Matt went down and picked it up. I sent the Serial number to promax so they can finally finish the install.

The apple discs came on spindles this time. We should probably get more cases.

I CCed the email I sent vickie RE: squeeze. Since then we called the post office. I talked to a guy there. He said it was probably sent up to purchasing. He asked for the tracking number, my name and extension and said he'd dig around or something and that he'd then give me a call. I don't remember his name, unfortunately and I haven't received a call from him. I'll be leaving soon.

I looked into the DVD specs and I'm pretty sure that if a DVD burner works with 4x discs that it'll work with 8x discs. I guess that was an issue with the older 1x and 2x pioneer drives.

Speaking of pioneer I downloaded the templates for the pioneer recorder (PRV-LX1) so we can easily change the backgrounds on the built in menus.

Well, that's about it I guess. I'm going to take my bike in to get inspected.

Monday, August 15, 2005

Hey there, I'm writing this from a hotel room in Harrisonburg VA. We got in around midnight and Danny and Tim are sleeping or attempting to sleep right now. Danny is kind of tagging along with us so he is sleeping on the floor. I'll attempt sleep soon too. The alarm goes off at 7:35am and the class starts at 9.

There's free high speed wireless internet here, supposedly. I don't get a signal so I had to plug into the ethernet drop in the wall. Not a big deal.

We came up in Danny's SUV but I drove since I know the way pretty well. I go by here on the way to PA - a trip I make a few times a year.

Things with Becca and I are going well. I'm still coming to terms with that ;)

Sleep is beckoning. I should go now. Good night.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

game over :[

S. Korean man dies after 50 hours of computer games - Yahoo! News
I heard yesterday that the marriage of one of my friends is... well... I don't know the details but I don't think they're livin in the same state anymore.

I'm sorry to hear that, man. I can't imagine the hurt involved in that kind of situation. I hope you can heal and forgive.
Four hours is better than 48. It is doing what you love to do. Though perhaps not to those motivated to learn. The Lord will provide both for you and for them. I pray you'll know if this is something He wants you to do.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

I'm sooo tired and will hopefully be asleep in a few minutes. I've been working for the past 4 hours or so but feel like i haven't accomplished much. Some of what I did work on may need to be redone. Well I guess I need to go to sleep so I can function tomorrow. I'll probably be working on this project all day tomorrow unless we get an extension on the deadline.

I'm intrigued in a most pleasant way by the thought of Becca either living here and commuting to Georgetown or living here and doing something different for school... maybe a distance learning thing from Penn State and a summer program at Middlebury. Georgetown is a great school but a few hours from here. It's also very expensive in relation to her other options. She can get too separate masters degrees from those two other (yet still respectable) schools for the price of one from Georgetown.

My feeling is that she'll probably go through with Georgetown though I'll support whatever decisions she makes... unless I think of strong and valid reasons for her not to make a specific one... in that case I suppose I'll support her in the decision and through its consequences. ^_^

Decisions, decisions, decisions...

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

you know, It's at times like these that I have to sit back and wonder... Did I forget to put on deodorant today?

Monday, August 01, 2005

Aww, but I like reading your blog. Sure you can just tell me on the phone, but it's nice to read your words and not just hear them sometimes. Of course, it's been a while since I've read a creative writing piece of yours.

yay growing/maturing.

Hmm... The thought crossed my mind a few minutes ago that I don't feel at all threatened by C. Well, especially not now that he's engaged, but even before that. I can't guarantee that I'll never get jealous, but I'm not at the moment.

I remember you musing briefly how different things could've been if we had started all of this when I first "smiled" at you last August. So much of what you said you've been thinking about has been greatly colored by your experience with C and your recent conversations with him. It's neat to see the way things seem to fit together in order for us to be at the place where we're at right now.

Praise God. :)

oh, and thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings. I'm looking forward to our next talk. :)

[to all of those who don't know what I'm talking about: I'm sorry. This blog, at times, functions as a notepad on which I leave notes to the woman who is now my girlfriend. I don't feel too bad about that because I don't think it gets read by many and well, I'm not saying anything too personal, I think.]