Friday, December 15, 2006

phone - eek

Last night our internet connection was flaky and I decided to use my cell phone to call a dial up internet number I have use of. I have unlimited evening and weekend minutes so that's not an issue. It's a really slow connection (slow like the modem I was using in 1994) but all I was doing was Instant Messaging. Well, I finished with the internet and closed my laptop, plugged my phone into the charger and went to bed.

This morning after I got to work and looked at my phone for some reason. It was still connected from last night. The display said it'd been connected for 10 hours. Eek. That scared me breifly. I called the phone company and double checked the hours for the evening and weekend calling. The normal day rate starts at 6AM. I accidently burned 220 peak minutes. The plan I have shares 1000 minutes between my wife and I. So far this month we've only used 47... up till this morning. Our plan resets on the second of the month so that leaves us just under 750 peak minutes to use. :D

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