Today (yesterday) has been a mixed bag of stuff. On the upside I finished my new demo reel to show off some of the graphics and visual effects I've worked on. I might have to edit together another little reel to show my animation projects. That'll be a pretty short one :)
The bummer thing of the day was that I screwed up my computer. I was trying to fix a problem I was having between my firewire card and a piece of software I use. Now I can't install the drivers for the firewire card so now I can't use it for anything. I'm looking at maybe reinstalling the whole operating system because of this. I think I messed things up by trying to use windows 98 drivers in windows 2000. Now when I try to install the drivers it keeps asking for a file I don't have. I'm sure this is boring most of you :)
SOMEONE was supposed to email her schedule for this week to me. It's the weekend now and I haven't heard from her. I guess she doesn't want to hang out. What a bummer.
Oh well, I'm chatting with some people on-line now so I guess I should go.