Saturday, March 12, 2005

In case you were wondering...
Today (Friday) I went to work a bit later than usual. I put that video clip I had to convert Thursday onto a DVD and delivered it to where it needed to go.

We then went to lunch. We had to wait for a couple of people before we started and they were late. After lunch Tim, Ena and I donated blood at the blood donating place. On the way back from that we stopped by the Post Office so Ena could mail something and I bought a book of stamps. Then I stopped by the bank and got some cash so I could pay my renter's insurance for the year. I didn't want to use my temp checks from my new checking account and it was due the 13th. We returned to work around 3pm and I walked over to the arena for my 4 o'clock crew call (at least I hope that was the crew call time. The email I have may have been wrong). I was there until 10:30 working two basketball games. I did get out to go to the bathroom between games. Before the first one I went back to the department I work in to borrow a mouse because the one they had in the truck didn't work right. (maybe I'll tell you about that if you ask me and I still remember the situation). I came home, watched TV and started copying numbers out of my phone into my computer. Well, I could tell you more but it's already past time for me to be sleeping.

good night.

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