Thursday, February 17, 2005

It's the lunching hour. ;)

Well, we showed the School of Law promo video to the School of Law promo. They caught a couple of problems with people's titles on the screen. They also caught where we misspelled chief. Tim initially typed them all in I think and his spelling isn't very good. Of course, I should have caught it. In fact I stared at it for several seconds because it didn't look right. I managed to convince myself that it was okay. My bad. Oh well, there's a school of thought that says to leave something that needs fixed when you show a project to a client. That way they have something to tell you to change and they don't have to make up something for you to change. I guess some people feel they aren't in power if they don't have you change something. I don't think the Law School people are like that... well, not all of them anyway.

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