Saturday, February 12, 2005

Right back at ya.
Apparently we're building a book here. Conversations from the Bank. How two people figured out things as gradually as they let themselves. Hmmm. Not a very marketable title in my opinion, but what do I know?

If you don't hear from me sooner, you'll here from me later which by that time it will be now. As for the "getting serious" thing, I wasn't serious about it. The words just rolled out making a clatter larger than their forms would suggest. Some times things are weighted and other times not. This time it was not (nor the time before that).

I'm not usually so open, but let me tell you, I think it feels good. It may simply be the detached nature of the medium. I always seemed to talk more after dark... and after lunch while on a caffeine and sugar trip... but that's not exactly relevant.

Your apple analogy reminded me of something I heard not too long ago on the radio (I think). Apparently the way children remember things is different from the way adults remember things. We actually start off with one system of memory where we take all the information in and process it. Somewhere along the way we learn to categorize things. I think the study used flash cards with pictures of cats and stuff. The children remembered details about the pictures much more clearly than the adults. The adults remembered the cat but they might not get the color right. Once it was categorized in their mind they stopped 'experiencing' it. The people doing the study trained some kids how to use categories in their memory and the kids developed the same traits as the adults. All of that is to say I understand your point and that you are right. Heck, you've been proven right by a clinical study. :) I should maybe pay closer attention to what you have to say.

For now I'm just happy to know we're both "interested" so we can run together foolhardily toward heartbreak or whatever the opposite of that is. So let us not speak of this for a long while. :)

And to whoever else might be reading this: Ummm.. much is contextual and the rest of the context is elsewhere. I think you can figure out some of what is going on but don't feel bad if you don't. For now know that I'm a bit happy and not quite sure how to handle that.

God Bless you all. Good night.

... okay, maybe running foolhardily isn't a good idea. We should stroll slowly enjoying the scenery.

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