Friday, February 25, 2005

When the sun is shining

Today we are covered in clouds. Big, thick heavy looking clouds. There is a discernible chill when we're in their shadow. When the sun breaks through, however, we're treated to a special treat. The trees are still coated with ice from the storm yesterday. They light up quite nicely when the sun hits them. There are nice moments of contrast between the ice covered hills and the clouds behind them. Steam rises from still wet driveways and rooftops where the sun warms those surfaces. I wish I had my camera with me although there isn't a spot in particular I wish to capture. To me it looks like a painting. It's that sense of extraordinary. The moments where the normal is lifted above itself into an idealized beauty. I'm sure I've seen better and I hope to see better still. For around here, however, it's pretty nice. When the sun is shining.

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