Friday, May 06, 2005

After getting to work this morning I wrote an email to Mom and Dad telling them a bit about my motorcycle incident earlier this week. I avoided words like wreck, crash, badly mutilated and mangled. :D I kind of hadn't thought about telling mom about it but my friends at house church told me I should. The whole thing hasn't seemed very significant to me and besides it'd just make her worry so why bother telling her? Oh well.

We have a refrigerator at work. My boss bought a case of V8 vegetable juice and I drank one this morning. yuck. I don't think I'll be having another one soon. Basically it's like drink cold tomato soup with some other vegetable juice in it. It's very far away from what I like. It wasn't undrinkable. I did finish the whole thing but I drank it quick so I wouldn't have to taste it long.

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