Monday, May 16, 2005

I stand by everything I said before we met and I don't want her to disappear from my life. I've grown too accostomed to having her here. The tears that fell were not for me, not for being disappointed. They fell, I think in part, because I saw how easily and how much I could hurt her if I were to pull away now. They fell after I read her blog Saturday morning. They fell maybe because I was sleep deprived and a bit more emotional than usual. I don't know exactly why they fell but I do know I still want to have her around.

The txt I sent about guarding your heart... well, that was me saying that I don't want to hurt her and knowing I might.

There are some things I'm thinking that I just don't want to say. I've spent quite a bit of time on this third paragraph and totally scrapped it. grrr... I'm sorry I'm not letting you in on the thought process. Maybe if I did she'd feel more secure. Maybe it'd have the opposite effect. I guess big question is: "Are we still "interested" in each other?" For my part: yes, I guess I am. I have some things to deal with in relation to that though but I'm not going away just yet.

Still no commitments though :p

However, I do consider her to be my friend. I can commit to that for a while ;)

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