Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Hmm. One of the two mirrors I bought didn't screw into where it needed to screw into. I don't think I'll bother sending them back because I really only needed one. I just don't like that they don't match. The new ones are a bit strange in that the objects in the mirror may be farther away than they appear. If that is an issue (this results in a smaller viewing area) and a simple, small, stick-on convex mirror doesn't work for me I may consider sending it back for that reason. I've thought about trying to rethread the stem that won't screw in but that means I'll have to find or buy a metric tap and die (I'm not sure how that's spelled) set.

The foam rubber hand grips I bought didn't fit either. The throttle side I don't think would fit at all and the clutch or left side was too long. I couldn't send those back because I already cut out the ends to make it work with my bike. That's not a problem though because I was able to pull the foam rubber off of those and stick them over my old grips and that's the part I wanted them for anyway. I got them to cut down on the vibrations going into my hands, wrists and arms. Hopefully it'll work.

I put them all on after work but I haven't gone for a ride yet. Today brought some big news for RR and I figured she'd want to talk about it so I decided to stick around the house in case she accepted my invitation to call me. She worked today at two different places so she only had about an hour window in which she could talk. I suppose it's somewhat petty to point out that I made a small sacrifice so she could talk to me, but darn it. I want the credit on this one. :P

DH came over and hung out for a while. He borrowed the movie American Splendor from a co-worker and we watched it a little after 8pm. It's a quirky biographical docudrama about Harvey Pekar. In 1974 he started writing comic books about his normal somewhat screwed up life. I enjoyed it. It's rated R for language so I wouldn't watch it with my mother or my sisters (who are also mothers) but it's not a kids film.

I'm burning CDs of files for the guy who said he'd work on the audio for our short film. I'm rendering out a full quality video file of the whole thing for effects processing. RJ wants to get this thing done. I don't blame her at all and sadly enough, I'm the bottleneck here. So I'm doing a bit tonight.

That's most of my evening.

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