Friday, June 10, 2005

I'm afraid it may really be gone this time...

unless I find it in the back of John's Van. I don't really want to buy a replacement silverish pen with a rubber grip but I've grown to like that pen. I think I can get it at wal-mart for not too much. A Zebra F-402 .7mm with black ink is what I want. I have a refill for it already as there are two refills in a pack and when I rescued (cough) the pen from the parking lot it was dry. I liked the feel and looks of the pen. It feels fairly solid and mostly comfortable to hold. It has a nice weight to it without feeling to stiff. When I picked it up I thought it was a more expensive pen than it really it. The short of it is that I can afford to replace it.

It was in the back of John's van. I don't have to buy a new one. :D

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