Sweet dreams await me for sure.
I returned to my room from the brushing of the teeth operation to find, perched menacingly on the corner of the foot of my bed, with forceps raised and armed, an earwig of normal build and colored as most earwigs are. It was only last week that Rich regaled us all with a tale of the panic and distress he endured when he woke to the sound of scratching near by. It took but a few moment before he realized that the sound was coming from inside his own ear. He flushed the ear with water until the creature exited it's fleshy cave. An earwig (aptly named in this instance) had violated poor Rich's personal space. My visitor had not been so intimate with me though I felt my space was violated as well. A bit of action with a paint stirrer ended this insect's life and banished his remains from my room. Still, and you may think me paranoid, but I shall sleep with earplugs in tonight. I don't know how he got on my bed but that's just too close for comfort.
Sweet Dreams to you. I knew you'd appreciate the story :D
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